viernes, 5 de junio de 2020


We are going to watch this video with the 5th chapter of our books story (Help Wanted!) Try to watch it two or three times. As much as possible...

I want you to write a SUMMARY of the story, here below, in the Comments. (If you can't do in the Comments, you can send it to my email, as always)

For this summary, I want you to write at least five sentences you listen in the video (like a dictation). If you write 10 or more sentences, I'll put the maximum mark. Try it!

24 comentarios:

  1. the children arrived to the restaurant
    the new Coach Jones was here the day he disapyar
    It's Coach Jones
    but he wasn't it Coach Jones
    his was the chef and was very busy
    he we making pizza for lunch
    okay the oven is on now ned some flour and olive oil
    the children try to talk to chef about Coach Jones
    I ned loots of tomatoes
    the chef finish cocking, finally the food is reay

  2. The children arrived at the restaurant.
    It´s Coach Jones.
    But it wasn´t Coach Jones.
    It was the chef and he was very busy.
    The chef thought the children were there to help.
    The chef finished cooking.
    Luigi looked at the photo.
    He recognized Coach Jones.
    The children looked at the jacket.
    It´s Coach Jones´jacket.
    That´s the lighthouse at Beachy Cliff!
    Let´s go.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. The children arrived at Luigi´s restaurant.
    They saw a man and they though that he was Coach Jones.
    But he wasn´t Coach Jones, he was the chef.
    The chef though that the children arrived here for the help wanted news.
    The chef gave the appons to the friends.
    When the finished work, they showed the picture to the chef.
    The children found coach Jones jacket.
    Inside the jacket there was a target of the lighthouse at Beachy Cliff.
    The children will go to the lighthouse the next day.
    Let´s go!!!!!!.

  5. The children arrived at Luigi's restaurant.
    However, the chef and the children came here for the help wanted news.
    The chef gave them the coupons.
    When the job was done, they showed the photo to the chef.
    The children found the coach's jacket.
    Inside the jacket was a white from the lighthouse on Beachy Cliff.
    The children will go to the lighthouse the next day.

  6. The children arrived at the restaurant.
    It´s Coach Jones.
    But it wasn´t Coach Jones.
    It was the chef and he was very busy.
    The chef thought the children were there to help.
    The chef finished cooking.
    Luigi looked at the photo.
    He recognized Coach Jones.
    The children looked at the jacket.
    It´s Coach Jones´jacket.
    That´s the lighthouse at Beachy Cliff!
    Let´s go.

  7. The children went to the retaurant where they thought cooach Jones was and they saw the chef who was very busy. They went to ask him one thing and the chef told them there is no time to speak because he thought they were children who went to help and sent them Bringing him the children try to tell him about him. Coach JOnes asks them again and the chef tells him where he always stands. They found a jacket that was familiar to them.It was from Coach Jones.

  8. The children arrived at the restaurant.
    They knew Coach Jones was here the day he disappeared.
    But it wasn't Coach Jones.
    It was the chef and he was very busy.
    He was making pizzas for lunch.
    The chef thought the children were there to help.
    The children tried to talk to the chef about Coach Jones.
    The chef finished cooking.
    Finally, the food was ready.
    Luigi looked at the photo.
    He organized Coach Jones and Scamp started barking.
    The children looked at the jacked, it looked familiar.
    Esperanza 6ºA

  9. The children arrived at the restaurant
    It´s Coach Jones
    But it wasn´t Coach Jones
    It was the chef and he was very busy
    The chef thought the children were there to help
    The children tried to talk to the chef about Coach Jones
    We´re looking for this man Mr Jones
    Luigi looked at the photo
    He recognized Coach Jones
    It´s Coach Jones´ jacket
    A postcard
    It´s a clue
    Let´s go
    Águeda 6ºA

    The children arrived at the restaurant.
    They knew Coach Jones was there the day he disappeared.
    Look!, he's that it's Coach Jones, but it wasn't Coach Jones.
    It was the chef and he was very bussy.
    He was making pizzas for lunch.
    Yes!!, cunning there isn't enough time to talk. Put these aprons on.
    They chef thought the children were there to help.
    Ok!, the oven is on, now I need some flour and a little olive oil. No!!!, that's too much flour, a smaller packet.
    The children tried to talk to the chef abour Coach Jones.
    I need lots of tomatoes, put them in the pan. There isn't enough cheese. I need lots of cheese!.
    Wow, Joey yo're really strong!.
    The chef finished cooking. Finally, the food was ready.
    Ok!! there is enough pasta, there is enough bread.
    There are enough pizzas.
    We're looking for this man, Mr. Jones. He's famous.
    Luigi looked at the photo. He recognized Coach Jones.
    Suddenly, Scamp started barking.
    He usually sits there.
    Oh! What is it Scamp?, a jacket.
    The children looked at the jacket. It looked familiar.
    Look! it's Coach Jones's jacket. He left it here.
    What is this?! A postcard. It's a clue.
    Where is this lighthouse?!.
    That's the lighthouse at Beachy Cliff.
    Ahhh!!! Let's go!!.

  11. the children arrived at the restaurant.
    It´s Coach Jones.
    But it wasn´t Coach Jones.
    his was the chef and was very busy.
    he was making pizza for lunch.
    okay the oven is on now ned some flour and olive oil.
    the children try to talk to chef about Coach Jones.
    I ned loots of tomatoes.
    the chef finish cocking, finally the food is reay.
    It´s a clue
    Let´s go

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  13. The children arrived at the restaurant.
    It´s Coach Jones.
    But it wasn´t Coach Jones.
    It was the chef and he was very busy.
    The chef thought the children were there to help.
    The chef finished cooking.
    Luigi looked at the photo.
    He recognized Coach Jones.
    The children looked at the jacket.
    It´s Coach Jones´jacket.
    That´s the lighthouse at Beachy Cliff!
    Let´s go.
    Santi 6a

  14. the children arrived the restaurant.
    the knew Coach Jones was here the day he dessappered
    Look he´ is´s Coach Jones
    But it wasn´t Coach Jones
    It was the ceff and he was very busy
    He was making pizza for lunch
    Yes cumming there isn´t enough time to talk
    put this aprons on
    The chef thought the children were there to help
    okay the oven is on now i need some flour and a little olive oil, no that´s too much flour a smallest packet.

    Óscar 6ºB

  15. the children go to the restaurant confuse the chef to the coach jones it wasn´t coach jones the chef are very serius the children makes pza for lunch the chef isn´time tto walk the chef trough the the children were to help some flour n olive oil the children find a image to the light house

  16. The children arrived ay the restaurant. They knew Coach Jones was here the day he disapared. But it wasn't Coach Jones. It was the chef and he was very busy. He was making pizzas for lunch. The chef throught the children were there to help! The children tried to talk chef about Coach Jones. The chef finished cooking. Finally thr food was ready. Luigi looked at the photo.He recognized Coach Jones. Suddenly, Scamp started barking.
    It's Coach Jones!
    Yes, come in.
    There isn't enough time to talk!
    Put this aprons on!
    OK! The oven is on.
    Now, i need some flour and a little of olive oil.
    Let0s go!.
    What's this?
    A postcard.
    He usually sits here.

  17. The children arrived at the restaurant
    It´s Coach Jones
    But it wasn´t Coach Jones
    It was the chef and he was very busy
    The chef thought the children were there to help
    The children tried to talk to the chef about Coach Jones
    We´re looking for this man Mr Jones
    Luigi looked at the photo
    He recognized Coach Jones
    It´s Coach Jones´ jacket
    A postcard
    It´s a clue

  18. The children arrived to the restaurant.
    They knew Coach Jones was here day he disappeared.
    But it wasn't Coach Jones.
    It was the chef and he was very busy.
    He was making pizzas for lunch.
    The chef thought the children were there to help.
    The children tried to talk to the chef about Coach Jones.
    The chef finished cooking.
    Finally, the food was ready.
    Luigi looked at the photo.
    He organized Coach Jones and Scamp started barking.
    The children looked at the jacked, it looked familiar.
    Mónica 6ºA

  19. The children arrived ay the restaurant.
    But it wasn't Coach Jones. It was the chef and he was very busy.
    He was making pizzas for lunch.
    The chef throught the children were there to help!
    The chef finished cooking.
    The food was ready looked at the photo.
    He recognized Coach Jones.

    It's Coach Jones!
    Yes, come in.
    There isn't enough time to talk!
    Put this aprons on!
    Now, i need some flour and a little of olive oil.

    Claudia Checa Ceacero 6A

  20. The children come to a restaurant and talk to the chef, but he doesn´t want to talk until he´s done cooking. Then the children talk to the chef and show him a photo of the coach Jones, he recognizes them and tells them where he sits in the restaurant and they find a jacket of the coach Jones there. A postcard with a lighthouse that you recognize and follow the search falls out of the jacket.
    África 6ºA

  21. The children arrived to the restaurant. They knew coach Jones was here the day he disappeared. Look he's that, said Gaia. It's coach Jones, said Matt. But it wasn't coach Jones. It was the chef and he was wery busy. Cunning there isn't enought time to talk, put these aproms on, said the chef. The children were there to help the chef. The children tried to talk to the chef about coach Jones. The chef finished cooking finally the food was ready. We're looking for this man mr. Jones he's famous, said Annabel. Luigi looked at the photo, he recognized coach Jones. He usually sits there, said Luigi. The children looked at the jacket it looked familiar. Look it's coach Jones's jacket he left it here, said Gaia. What's this, a postcard, it's a clue, were it's this light house, said Matt. That's the lighthouse at beachy cliff, said Annabel. Let's go, said Joey.


  22. when they got to the restaurant they confused another person with the coach. This time he was the chef and he was very busy so he asked the boys for help. First the flour after the cheese, the tomato until they finished everything after a hard work. I asked the chef about the coach and he showed them a jacket and it was the coach's jacket! Inside they found a postcard with a lighthouse
    yes,come in
    it's a coach jones jacket
    what is this?
    but it wasn't coach jones
    the chef finised cooking

  23. The children arrived at the restaurant.
    Look he´ is´s Coach Jones.
    He was making pizzas for lunch.
    But it wasn´t Coach Jones
    cunning there inn't enough time to.
    The children tried to talk to the chef about Coach Jones
    The chef gave the appons to the friends.
    The chef finished cooking.
    It´s Coach Jones´jacket.
    Finally the food is reay

  24. the children arrived at the restaurant
    the knew Coach Jones was here the day he disappeared
    it´s Coach Jones
    but it wasn´t Coach Jones
    it was the chef and he was very busy
    he we making pizza for lunch
    the children try to talk with the chef about Coach Jones
    the chef finished cooking finally the food is ready
    Luigi look at the photo he recognized Coach Jones sudedenly Scamp start barking
    the children looked at the jacket it looked familiar
    that´s the lighthouse at beachy Cliff
    let´s go!


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